After the good news that the China server for World of Warcraft <a href="" title="MMORPG">mmorpg</a> is now back up and running after two months of hiatus, it's time to get all patched up. Patch 3.2.2 has just been released by Blizzard, and we're giving you a sneak peek at what's in it.<br /><br />
It's a lengthy list, you'll have to go to their site for the full update:<br /><br />
General<br /><br />
a, The Brood Mother Returns<br />
- After years of lurking in her lair battling the many brave adventurers who travelled from afar to challenge her, Onyxia returns stronger than before to commemorate <a href="" title="World of Warcraft MMORPG">World of Warcraft</a>'s five-year anniversary.<br />
- Onyxia has been scaled to offer new challenges to level 80 players in 10- and 25-player modes.<br />
- Adjusted for modern raiding, but with the fundamental experience of fighting the Brood Mother still in effect, including the horrors of her Deep Breaths!<br />
- Onyxia will now drop level 80 item versions of some classic loot items from the level 60 encounter.<br />
- Brood of Onyxia, a very rare 310%-speed mount modeled after Onyxia herself will be available for the luckiest of challengers.<br /><br />
b, Armor Penetration Rating: The amount of armor penetration gained per point of this rating has been reduced by 12%.
PvP<br /><br />
- Battlegrounds<br />
- Players level 11 and higher will now always see a daily Battleground quest, as the quest giver will only offer daily quests for a Battleground in which a player is eligible to participate according to level bracket (i.e. players levels 11-20 will always be offered a Warsong Gulch daily quest, while players levels 11-50 will be offered either an Arathi Basin or a Warsong Gulch daily quest, etc.).<br /><br />
Source : <a href="" title="MMORPG">Mmorpg Index</a>
2009. szeptember 25., péntek
2009. szeptember 19., szombat
Test blog entry
This is an mmorpg blog, and a blog entry of this mmorpg blog made for testing if it is still working.
2008. szeptember 28., vasárnap
Shot Online - New versions
Hamburg, July 30th 2008 - Leading European MMOG publisher gamigo AG is proud to announce the forthcoming launch of the Spanish and French versions of the internationally successful MMO sports title "Shot Online". Both new versions will be available for beta testers in mid August, and will be released commercially later this year. The respective websites can already be reached at
The only realistic MMO golfing simulation - play free online mmorpgs like runescape no download
Shot Online is a comprehensive and realistic golfing experience, offering players over 250 different holes to play. Players can gain experience points for every well-played course, in order to level up and become the ultimate golfing professional. Beyond that, they have the chance to buy hundreds of optional items to improve their abilities even further. Although there is the possibility to buy certain items for real money, Shot Online remains completely free because every object can also be bought with the in-game currency,either from an NPC or in the auction house. While up to four players can compete in a direct match at any time, there will be special events and tournaments for everyone on a regular basis, with great prizes to be won. Of course there are lots of useful community features, which give players the chance to chat with their friends, meet new people and form guilds to play as a team.
Gamigo invites new players from all over the world - best free online mmorpg
After a very successful year for the German version of the game, now with over 150,000 registered players, gamigo is finishing up the French and Spanish versions of the worldwide popular sports MMOG, like 2.4.2 wow servers. These versions will not only be available to players in France and Spain, but every player from around the globe speaking one of these languages can become part of the growing international community. In mid August, players will have the chance to check out the new versions of the game for the first time, in an extensive beta testing period. The final version will commence shortly afterwards. Right now, players can already check out the official website in both new languages and meet up with other golfers in the forums. "We are excited to launch Shot Online in two new languages, so we can give hundreds of thousands of players worldwide the chance to experience this great game", says Sven Ossenbrüggen, CEO gamigo AG. "With the new versions of Shot Online and other great, free games coming up in additional languages, we are showing our commitment to expanding our influence in the European gaming business." Shot Online will be released as a beta version in mid August, with a completely free final version following shortly afterwards later. Players can go to the official website right now, and already register to be one of the first players to check out the new versions.
- Gamigo AG - mmorpg list
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2008. szeptember 15., hétfő
Level 50 at least...
Hello mates, welcome! I'm very happy to inform that around week ago my first character advanced through all level and now I'm on 50 level :-) (until premiere of Mines of Moria anyway...)
What's new? first of all like other players on my level I'm doing deeds, there are lots of deeds in game but i pick few and all my time im spending on grinding..i don't like this after playing in Lord of the Rings Onlinebut some traits ( when you complete deed you get traits) are very good.
On the screen Mikevorn (me) vs Helchgam, he killed then all my fellowship including me :/
For the example when you reach Valor trait on level 10 you've got:
+ 286 to Morale (something like HP)
+ 10 Mighty
+ 5.8 non-Combat Morale Regeneration (if i remember correctly )
another cool trait for my class is Discipline you can get on level 10:
+30 Might
+5.0% Disease Resistance
-1.5% Melee Vulnerability
You can pick max 5 at the same time traits and when you add each one to your character, you became really strong. I will write something about other traits for combat next time.
I'm playing champion, and if you are player from Gilrain server you can find me under name
Mikevorn :-)
leave a comment if you know me cya mates on Lotro
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2008. szeptember 13., szombat
About online gaming communities
Who loves playing online games ? I do. You might decide me as a computer game freak but yes, I am one of those millions of various online gamers from around the world that spends a lot of time playing in front of the computer screen.
Anyway, what's the occasion to not get hooked? You get the chance to play the latest and coolest games. You get the occasion to talk and interact to other players. Plus you gain the opportunity to show to the whole online game society of how skillful you are as a gamer.
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What is something not to love about online multiplayer games site? The free online games you can play here will totally bring the best gamer in you. Love strategy games? Try their 8-Ball and 9-Ball pool games. Do you love number puzzles? Then brace yourselves when you play the very innovative Xudoku, their online game version of the most fashionable number puzzle game. Or how about some nice chess matches?
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2008. szeptember 7., vasárnap
BattleField 2 Upgraded

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2008. augusztus 19., kedd
Midnight Club 3's Hacked!
As usual, I was playing my favorite game midnight club 3. For those of you who don't know what this game is. Its a nice car racing game. From the first time i bought this game i started to do offline races and won all the nice cars. After that i stopped playing offline and just played online as its more fun playing with real humans than computers . When i used to play Midnight Club 2 on computer, me and my friends used to modify the files of the games and make cars faster and other great stuff on it but i though it was not possible to do it on consoles. Seems some people have edited mc3's files and burned it back on a cd for ps2 and have started to cheat on the game. I was racing as usual and this guy came super fast. And do tricks that were not even available for the game and i asked him to teach me and he told me that that he had modded the game. So i copied my game files to computer and looked over the files and most of the files were same as might night club 2 so i edited few things to make me go faster and ripped the files back to cd and used my magic swap to get online with a ripped files cd and was amazed that it worked flawlessly and then in few minutes. Everyone who saw me started asking me how i am doing it and annoyed me so much and i put my default cd back on to play it the normal way because i don't support cheating on the game. so guys go ahead mod your mc3. Till next time.
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